Thursday, August 23, 2007

The Existentialist Anniversary

As I wrote recently, Saturday was our anniversary and we hoped to celebrate it with more gusto this week. Well, it is true we carved out space to celebrate it: two days, in fact. The original plan was to get away - off to Louisville where we could spend the night in a cool hotel. The big piece of this puzzle was getting someone to watch Wyatt, and when it became clear Lisa - Anna's mom - was not going to be available we should have nipped it in the bud. However, we pressed on, still trying to figure out a way to make it happen.

About last Friday, though, we realized our planning was senseless. Truly getting a good sweep of Louisville - enjoying some good art, dining and romantic space - was not an option. I was severely bummed by this.

Actually, I forgot a key piece. We were also lining up a plan B all the while we prepared for Louisville.

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