Tuesday, November 04, 2008


My daughter has succumbed
for now
but not without tearing this home
taking my mind and pushing it
 full against my skull,
the ache of constraint.

Scream with all within you,
so it begins again.

"Are you not exhausted?"
I am dead

I hide behind speakers covering
my ears, to subvert reality,
to fill my head
that it may
Domesticity demands
exhausted lashings
to pierce my peace.
All has become a knot of entanglement.

And you, my wife, trapped and subjected with
It is you
  and me
that have born this agonizing joy,
this relentless life.
You framed yourself against my fetal curl -
  the flannel sheets our shared womb.
We were together again,
laying silently
a hushed comfort
while peace pulsed in
our own ways
beneath skin.
Across my body came your hand
interlocked and interlocking
my own.

That too was a knot,
like the way years add
rings to a Maple
and seasons form fibrous callouses
upon those trees.
There is much beneath.

Now  silence
except distant fan
and small motor.
The refrigerator hums.
And the rocking chair creaks its
protest to pressure and weight.
There you sit with
my daughter - 
sucking from you, satiating soothe
timeless calm.
We are bound - hand in hand,
mouth to breast,
mind to heart.
Pressed one upon another with
the irritation of pleasure.

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