Monday, November 24, 2008

Sad but true...

I have a bad habit: movie trailers.  I can't get enough of them.  True, I don't watch nearly as many since Little Two was born, but I try.  I have justified it by telling myself that as a stay at home mom, I don't have very many occasions to get out of the bubble that is my house, then out of the bubble that is Owensboro, and into the world at large; so I have to use whatever means available to me.  

As I routinely watched the most recently released movies a while back, I came upon The Lives of Others.  I immediately pulled up a new tab on my browser and navigated to our Netflix cue to add it.  Not too long later, I read a post about the same movie on my friend Danielle's personal blog.  Good confirmation.  Last night, we watched said movie; it was excellent indeed.  Afterwards, I wanted re-read Danielle's thoughts and so began backtracking on her blog to find the original post.  I kept going.  And going.  And going.  Finally, there it was -- I glanced at the date.  February 2007.  When the movie came out.  Almost two years ago.  I laughed in astonishment.  Unbelievable.  

All this to say two things: The Lives of Others is a great movie, and if it still happens to be floating around your Netflix cue, you should bump it up; also -- gone are the days of Wes and I seeing a movie in a timely fashion.


1 comment:

danielle said...


Todd has the same addiction to apple movie trailers--if he's killing time, that's how he's doing it.

I'm glad you saw Lives of Others--I bet it was worth the wait. :)

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.